Antique turtle-shell items restoration

Tortoise-shell is a noble and living material (keratine), the only one with the remarkable ability to graft itself.

So with the right knowledge, all tortoise-shell objects can be repaired without glue or any visible traces. Almost by alchemy, the pieces bind together.
Passionate about the art of working tortoise shell, he received further training from last two active practitioners, Jacques Rameau and François Mondon. These techniques enable him to also exert his talents on works of art and antiques. He became the sole heir to their precious knowledge, stock and tools. This makes Maison Bonnet the absolute reference for objects in tortoise shell.
Working like an inlaid embellisher from the 18th century, combining tortoise shell with different precious metals, Christian Bonnet is a wonderful restorer of antique items.

  • écaille de tortue

    Boite en écaille jaspée foncée charnieres décors or.

  • écaille de tortue

    Boite en ivoire écaille miniature sur ivoire.


  • Objects in tortoise shell

    Boite ronde en écaille et décors or.


  • Objects in tortoise shell

    Carnet de bal en écaille et nacre revisite en étui à cigarettes.

  • Objects in tortoise shell

    Carnet de bal et porte monaie en écaille brune.


  • Objects in tortoise shell

    Etuis à cigarette en écaille moulée.

  • Objects in tortoise shell

    Livre de messe en écaille jaspée sculptée.

  • Objects in tortoise shell

    Peigne d'ornement en écaille jaspée sculptée.

  • Objects in tortoise shell

    Poudrier en écaille blonde flambée.

  • Objects in tortoise shell

    Poudrier en écaille et miniature sur ivoire.

  • offers cabinets of marquetery of turtle-shell

    Tabatière en écaille blonde extra.